Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I have Loved you, with an everlasting Love

As the Father hath loved me, I also have loved you. Abide in my love. John 15:9

Praised be Jesus everyone! Jesus tells us in the Gospels how much he loves us, it is with the same Intense Love the God and his Father share between each other, it is the same Love and Intensity of the Holy Ghost, It is the Love experienced in the infinite mystery of the Trinity. How Our Jesus loves us! and it is this infinite Love that he shares with us each and every day on the Altar, it is this Love that we receive each time we receive Jesus in Holy Communion. We receive the overflowing Love of the Sacred Heart and we become one with this Love. How great is the Love of Our God, that he wishes to share the fullness of this mystery of his love with us. It is truly good to be loved and good to know we never go without love!.

In all my temptations, I place my trust in you, O  Sacred Heart of Jesus
In all my weaknesses, I place my trust in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus
In all my difficulties,I place my trust in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus
In all my trials,I place my trust in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus
In all my sorrows,I place my trust in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus
In all my work,I place my trust in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus
In every failure, I place my trust in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus
In every discouragement,I place my trust in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus
In Life and in death, I place my trust in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus
In time and in eternity, I place my trust in you, O Sacred Heart of Jesus

Monday, October 17, 2011

Come, my child into the joy of my embrace!

At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying: "Who, thinkest thou, is the greater in the kingdom of heaven?" And Jesus, calling unto him a little child, set him in the midst of them. And said: "Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greater in the kingdom of heaven."Matt. 18:1-4

Praised be Jesus everyone!! after a long absence, I have returned. allot has been going on lately! and I am currently studying in Rome (I've been real busy since July). as many of you know The feast of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus(my confirmation saint!) was on Oct 1st, the above Gospel passage is the Gospel from the Traditional Mass for her feast (is it the same in the Ordinary?).

When we hear this Gospel passage I think many of us (Myself included) are a little taken back by what Jesus is telling us "Unless you become like a little child, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven". We spend so much time in our lives trying to "grow up", mature, be more adult, it even seems that kids now a days our very preoccupied with being more "grown up", and here we are with Jesus, challenging us to be like Children. What does this all mean? Saint Therese Understood this more than anybody and she built her whole spirituality around it. in her story of a soul Saint Therese teaches us her way of spiritual childhood aka "The little way".

Saint Therese teaches us that Spiritual Childhood is in no way, Spiritual immaturity, but in many ways it is the pinnacle of Spiritual maturity. Being a spiritual child, consists of recognizing who we really are what our abilities are, and how little we can really do. In essence spiritual Childhood lets us more easily abandon ourselves to the Love and Grace of God. We allow God to work through our daily actions, we offer all our littleness to him, drawing closer to him in the daily and mundane. many of us cannot offer the things many a Saint of old have offered, so we offer ourselves in complete love and joy in what we can offer, taking comfort that in our littleness God makes all things great.