Words cannot describe the many and Amazing graces which God sheds on the small Bosnian Town of Medjugorje. as I look back on the last week in Medjugorje I see the week as an intimate conversation between my soul and heart with mom, our mom, the mom of the whole human race, the Mother of the Eternal and living God the Blessed Virgin Mary. words cannot not describe the emotions, the graces, the peace, and most importantly, her Motherly Love which she imparts most generously to each of her children, please bear with me as i try to describe. In this past week I truly understand and see how much Mary loves each and every one of us, how much she truly loves me as an individual, as her own beloved Child,we are all Marys Children, how she wishes to see you and me in heavenly glory with our Brother Christ Jesus. What Mary communicated to my heart was that message of Love, love conquers all things, and achieves all things. It is by Marys motherly love that we truly come to know Christ, and by her love she leads us to Christ. As I climbed the hill of apparitions barefoot Mary touched my heart to know her role in my life and the Christian life. On the Road to eternal Salvation we walk barefoot, vulnerable, without shelter, we are exposed to all elements, all dangerous insects, sharp rocks and pit falls. you could avoid all these things by standing still, but by standing still we make no progress we do not go forward we do not make an effort for the goal which is Christ who is pure and true love, in truth standing still is a worse sin than going forward and falling, being cut by the rocks, and being bitten by poisonous insects. As humans we are pron to try and stay still we don't want to go against the hardships of this life, we say "It is comfortable here, becoming holy is to hard, I am good enough" this is the beginnings of spiritual death. But the Blessed Mother in her Love like any good mother gives her Child a little push and says "Go ahead, I'm here, don't worry, I'll catch you if you fall. I'm right behind you". Through her Love Mary becomes our safety net on the road to salvation. She is who cheers us on to her son our brother Jesus. Through prayer, and trust in her motherly intercession she will give us the strength to carry our crosses, she will follow us on our way of the Cross as we follow Christ, and she will pick us up and console us if we ever fall on the way. Mary never leads to herself she always points us to Christ Jesus she gives us her love so that we may love Jesus more perfectly each day. She wants us to be like her, ever shining mirrors who reflect Jesus the eternal and true sun in all things. And by being this mirror we love as she loves which is with the perfect love and that is the Love of God. we become like her who is "Beautiful because I love"(Our Lady of Medjugorje).
Mary Teaches us the way to true peace at Medjugorje, She comes to us her Children as the Queen of peace. She Teaches us that the way to true peace is through the Mass and the Sacraments ,Holy Scripture, fasting, and prayer especially the Rosary. The Reason the these things lead us to peace is because they are the ways that Love is increased in us, they are the ways in which Christ lives in us. Through the Reception of Jesus in the most Blessed Sacrament we become his living Tabernacles and allow his love to flow through us to others. When we read Holy Scripture we know Christ, we learn him, we get to know him, we begin to love him. through fasting we realize that only Christ can fill our hunger for Love, that hunger which we fill with so many other things. Through the Rosary we Meditate on the Life of Christ and his most Blessed Mother, through the Rosary we walk with Jesus and Mary, we go on a pilgrimage so to speak in which we live in spirit the important events of the lives of Jesus and Mary, it is by this intimate living that the Rosary communicates graces and virtues through the heart, giving one the strength of eternal love!
There is so much more that could be said!! but for now I'll stop here. know that mom loves You all!!! and that she wants you to come to her to lead you ever closer to her son our brother Jesus!!
To the vocations group i traveled to Medjugorje with, I thank you all so much!! you don't know how much you all mean to me!! you all are always in my prayers! Thank you for being such inspirations, and helping me on my journey to Christ!!
Say the Rosary every Day
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