Friday, May 21, 2010

The Greatest Miracle of all..... though greatly forgetten

So Today I was praying before Our Lord in the most Blessed Sacrament after Mass today, and a thought that I haven't had since maybe senior year of High school crossed my mind. "Jesus must be very lonely for most of the time" I remember having this thought while in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament in the schools chapel, as kids roamed through the hall laughing carrying on, not the slightest recognition that Jesus was truly present in there midst! so many kids walked by that chapel, and I always wondered if Jesus was a little sad, lonely etc. that no one nodded there head in acknowledgement, stopped in to say a quick hello. Thats all Jesus ever really asks for (only a second of our time, especially in that most special gift of the Blessed Sacrament). Well today there were more worshippers than there were back in those good old high school , but at the same time i still asked "Jesus are you lonely?". In todays world many are looking for hope, looking for a miracle' looking for something to believe in! so I must ask "do we really know of the miracle that we have before us?" Many of us (myself included) sometimes when we think of miracle we think of something big, flashy and dramatic, And usually the more Dramatic the better. we want to see the sun dance (as in Fatima and Medjugorje), people healed instantly, troubles that seem to melt away out of thin air. not saying that these things are not from God, but they serve a deeper purpose, and that purpose is to point us to the greater miracle which is Christ's love and grace in the Sacraments. We go chasing after such miracles, looking for God looking for his presence. we forget that we do not have to go far, to find God to find Jesus. He waits in the Tabernacle a prisoner of Love! The God of all Creation Jesus the Christ comes down from heaven at the words of a priest (his servant) and hides himself in a small piece of bread for our Salvation. sadly enough we sometimes pass this right up for something more flashy and dramatic (when true miracles lead us to the sacraments). Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament teaches us some things, he teaches us that holiness is simple, that what is truly miraculous happens in day to day things (like bread and wine). so the next time your in the area of a Church/ Adoration chapel, stop in! say hello! spend some time with him for he is our greatest gift!