Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The inner Cloister, Gods meeting place in the soul

have you ever had times when you feel run down? have you ever felt that you need a break but have nowhere to go to get away from your current surroundings, noise, confusion of the day? Well it might be time to take a retreat to the inner cloister! the inner cloister (that's what i call it) is a place where we can go deep into prayer and contemplation. it is a quite paradise in which the soul and God meet, it is a place where we can have an intimate rendezvous with the Lord. Saint Teresa of Avila speaks of this place in her book the inner castle, where she explains the development of contemplative prayer. in Teresa's book she tells us that at the soul is a grand castle with many mansions( or rooms) and the biggest room in the center of this castle is occupied by the King ( Who is Christ Jesus) who is the shinning light of each soul! it takes a lot of time and progression in the spiritual life to enter into a long meeting with Jesus, but even so we can still reach brief moments of intimacy with the Lord, which gives so much refreshment to the soul and to our day to day life. so when you down and out retreat to Jesus in the inner cloister!
I recommend that everyone read Saint Teresa of avilas book The Inner Castle, it will do wonders for your spirtual life!

If you have any Questions, and topic request plaese send me an email at